Welcome to MacArthur Services!
Today is Wednesday, February 05, 2025 and the time is 5:17:30 PM (CST)
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Our mission is to provide expert data processing services at great prices.
Our services include (click any service to view a complete description and prices):
Merge/purge - Combine multiple lists for mailing purposes. We could save your highest ranking job title. When doing a merge/purge based on company name, we'll save the record for a vice president vs. a mail clerk.
Consulting and programming in the following computer languages: BASIC, SQL, COBOL, FORTRAN, JavaScript, and VBScript.
Business Announcements - Only $225! Includes conversion from PDF/DOCX to HTML. We can send your announcement, such as a datacard or service, to our database of over 3,000 direct marketing professionals. Our database includes list brokers, list managers, advertising agency executives, sales and marketing professionals, and end users. We track the open rate and URL clicks by each URL for you, so you can see exactly what people are interested in. We can personalize your message!
Data Analytical Services - We can analyze large amounts of data including social, political, statistical, scientific, government, and private industry data. Email us a description and/or sample of data you would like us to process. We'll send you a quote within hours.
E-mail Broadcasting - Send out your HTML or text message via e-mail. We can track
the number of URL clicks, which recipient clicked on which URL, and the
number of times the recipient clicked on a URL (use this with a tandem
telemarketing project to convert potentials to buyers!). We can track the open rate, who opened it, and how many
times. Download positive responders - those who clicked a URL or opened the message - whenever you like.
Steps to sending us your file for e-mail broadcasting:
We will:
Data Processing/Web Site Development and UX/UI Design - We can convert and standardize files. We can integrate your need to gather data with web-based services. Need design help? Email us today!
Other Services - We provide e-mail and phone append services, specialized programming, and solutions to just about any other type of project. Please contact us to talk about your needs!
Consulting - Let us help you create, promote, and execute a successful project, campaign, mailing, or merger and acquisition!
Daytrading - Generating 10-20% returns per month.
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