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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025 and the time is 6:06:03 AM (CST)
This is the Business Announcements page.
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We can send your announcement, such as a datacard or service, to our database of over 3,000 direct marketing professionals.
Here's a summary of our features:
Contact us today at (847) 457-3122 or info@macarthurservices.com.
SPECIAL OFFER: 10% discount if you do more than one per month!
SPECIAL OFFER: 20% discount to resend the same message!
Our database contains the most enthusiastic list brokers/managers, list owners, media buyers, and direct marketing professionals in the industry. You can expect a 15% open rate and a 3% click rate. You should also receive several count requests for each campaign. We've been building our database for 10 years. It's regularly updated with the freshest names in the industry and continues to grow.
We charge only $200, well below our competitors' prices. We can even help with your creative. We tabulate open rates and URL clicks by each URL so you can see what people are interested in within your ad.
Send your message today!
Scott MacArthur at:
(224) 336-5454
E-mail Address
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